
Configuring the script correctly is necessary so you can get the best performance out of it, check out the explanation and implementation below.


You can customize the language of the script to your spoken language, choose from the following options that we have already prepared for you.

  • NL

  • EN

Spectron.Locale = 'en'

Please note, if you use an invalid locale the script may not work properly!

Process Duration

You can easily change the duration time of processing by adjusting the time to your preferences.

Spectron.processDuration = 15000

Please note, the time that you fill in needs to be in seconds, not millieseconds!

Adding your own drugs

You can easily add your own drug types, just follow the instruction below to get started!

  • Label: Set the label of your item.

  • Name: Add the item name, so recieve the items.

  • Amount: Set the amount that the player needs to have or needs to be given.

Spectron.Items = {
    ['drugsSort'] = {
        ['pouch'] = {
            label = '',
            name = '',
            amount = 1
        ['drugs'] = {
            label = '',
            name = '',
            amount = 1
        ['returnDrugs'] = {
            label = '',
            name = '',
            amount = 1

You can add multiple items you need to process. Just copy and paste the drugs section, rename it to your existing one and you're good to go!

Do not use the same name in the Spectron.Items section, or you will get an error message!

Last updated