
You can create your own locale if your language is not available or if you want to change something. Easily follow the necessary steps below.

Create your own Locale

You can create your own locale, you can do this by following the steps below. If you do not have the necessary experience for this, you can always open a ticket and we can create it for you.

[""] = {
    -- Progress Locales
    ['placeObjectProgress'] = '',
    ['pickingUpObjectProgress'] = '',
    ['startProcessProgress'] = '',

    -- Notifications
    ['alreadyActive'] = "",
    ['processSuccess'] = "",
    ['notEnoughItems'] = "",
    ['cancelledProgress'] = "",

    -- Menu Locales
    ['useTable'] = '',
    ['pickupTable'] = '',

    ['menuTitle'] = '',
    ['optionTitle'] = '',
    ['startProcess'] = '',
    ['optionDescription'] = '',
    ['drugsChoiceTitle'] = '',
    ['requiredItems'] = '',
    ['items'] = "Coke = 3\nCannabis = 5\nMeth = 4",

Dont forget to change your locale in the shared.lua --> Spectron.Locale!

Change the locale

You can easily change the locale if needed, go to:

Spectron-Drugstables folder -> Locales -> locales.lua

Here you can change your language where needed.

Last updated